Finding Life in an Age of Change with Anne Harrison
In the face of ecological, national, and global crises many of us are feeling overwhelmed and disempowered just now.
However, what if we are our greatest asset and the ‘answer’ to what we are feeling lies in sharing and being together – something that research shows engenders hope.
This course intends to integrate the insights of Joanna Macy’s “Active Hope” and the gentle, transformative practices of Capacitar*.
We will journey together through stages of gratitude for creation, honouring our pain for the world, and seeing with new eyes, to deepen our active hope. Gentle movement and creative practices will enhance our natural recharging and healing abilities as we go.
It is important to follow these sessions in sequence, and so the series of nine monthly Friday morning sessions 2023-4 is being offered as a whole.
* Capacitar is a global organisation whose mission is to teach spirit-body-mind practices to promote healing, wholeness and peace. (For more information, see
In–Centre £135 (£45 per TERM)
Fridays – monthly
15/09, 13/10, 03/11, 01/12, 12/01, 09/02, 08/03, None in April , 03/05, 07/06