Mustard Seed York is a community hub connecting people, churches and charities in and around the city.
We aim to provide a point of connection where individuals, churches of all denominations and local charities or national charities with a local presence can share and discover in an easy and accessible way all the wonderful initiatives going on at different venues in the city. Mustard Seed York aims to:

Publicise your event
Help you get the word out about your event in an easily accessible way to people living and working in and around the city

Make connections
Inspire and create opportunities to make connections, share ideas and work together by connecting people in the city working on projects with common themes

Help people find out more about what’s going on in the city and inspire them to come along and lend support when they see an event that resonates with them
Share your event and ideas
As an evolving project we welcome your ideas on developing the Mustard Seed further – get in touch, tell us your thoughts and share your ideas.
Mustard Seed York is a community resource created and maintained by St Bede’s Pastoral Centre, York.