Bird watching in the Dales

Bird watching in the Dales

Led by Hugh Firman & Lisa ChadwickFirman
Scargill lies in the heart of the Yorkshire
Dales with its magnificent limestone scenery
and wonderful wildlife. Habitats ranging
from heather moorlands to meadows,
woodlands and rivers are home to a rich
diversity of birds. On gentle walks, we will
aim to get close to peregrines, dippers,
curlews and much more. Lisa and Hugh are
experienced wildlife holiday teachers. Lisa
was an environmental education worker
and Hugh works as an ecologist. Once again,
expert birdwatchers David and Jennifer
Sutcliffe will be joining the group.
20MA24 Standard adult price: £316


May 13 - 17 2024


Scargill House
Kettlewell, North Yorkshire


Scargill Movement
01756 760500