The wonder of stories
Led by Donna Worthington
Exploring how stories can be guides to
deeper self-awareness, freedom and
wholeness that God offers us… From
Christian perspectives, we will explore
the famous tales of Sleeping Beauty and
Cinderella. And then: As the gong is sounded,
an ancient Emperor of Japan appears, his
eyes held by what he has just read about
the exquisite song of the Nightingale… Sit
back, relax and enjoy the performance…
We will seek to enter another world and
mine the treasures of this old story through
storytelling and simple, inclusive theatre
techniques. We will discuss questions that
can emerge from the story e.g. what do we
really need to be happy and have peace of
mind? An opportunity to let the imagination
run wild and let Hans Christian Andersen’s
wonderful tale of ‘The Nightingale’ take you
where it will!’ Donna has MAs in Theatre
Directing, Writing and TV Production She
has led creative workshops with all ages and
on various themes, including exploring the
Gospels through theatre and movement. She
also explores dream-prayer and how to pray
through movement.
27MA24 Standard adult price: £316