Living Word Series led by Sr. Patricia Harriss CJ

Living Word Series led by Sr. Patricia Harriss CJ

Two termly series helping us to discover together how God speaks to us through different books of the Bible.

Autumn Term/Advent: The first and second books of Samuel: how Israel began to be ruled by kings, the story of Saul and David.

We shall explore these two books, which tell the stories of notable characters in Israel’s history, chosen and used by God: Samuel himself, Saul, the first king, and David, great in his lifetime, and the one from whose descendants the Christ was to come. But it is also an absorbing human story of weakness, rivalries, jealousy and competition – and of generosity and new beginnings.

20th November: Samuel and the choice of Saul (Chs.1 – 12)

27th November: Saul and David (Chs. 13 – 23)

4th December:  Saul’s growing jealousy; the rivalry which leads to his death (Chs. 24 — II Sam 1)

11th December: How David becomes established as king (Chs. II Sam 2 – 12)

18th December: David and his sons – the revolt, and the final years of David’s reign (Chs. 13– 24)

Spring Term/Lent: Deuteronomy: the ‘second law’, a reflected version of the Exodus experience.

Over the centuries, helped by the teaching of the prophets, Israel sees the connection between love and law: God’s love for his chosen people, and their response in loving obedience. We may see a parallel with St. John’s Gospel, later than the Synoptics, and also coming from reflection.

19th February: Moses looks back on Israel’s experience (Chs. 1– 11)

26th February: Looking again at the Law (Ch. 12)

4th March: Looking again at the Law, concluded (Ch. 26:15)

11th March: Final reflections and blessings from Moses, and his death (Ch. 26:15– 34)


£20 for each series of sessions

Mondays 10AM-12PM

Autumn: 20/11, 27/11, 04/12, 11/12, 18/12

Spring: 19/02, 26/02, 04/03, 11/03


Nov 20 2023


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

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