Ignatian Wisdom For Today

Ignatian Wisdom For Today

with Marion Bettenworth CJ

In-Centre £20

Wednesday 28/09


St Ignatius of Loyola lived 500 years ago – and yet his spiritual wisdom is still relevant and   life-giving for so many people today and combines an interwoven commitment to both contemplation and action in the world.

During this reflective day we are going to ‘un-pack’ some of the key themes of Ignatian spirituality and explore how Ignatius’ guidance on prayer and discernment might become a compass for our own life journey.

This compass might help us to notice more about God’s presence in our everyday life and so show us a path to greater freedom.

The day will contain input, time for personal prayer and reflection, creative space and some gentle sharing.


Sep 28 2022


10:00 am - 3:00 pm

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